Some ideas to have a truly Happy New Year
When the year ends, we hope next year will be better. Even though the year that ends was good too.
But "hope" sounds like "expectation", and usually "we expect" that the New Year will be better, and we remain a bit in a passive attitude of expecting.
But we can try to improve the New Year by doing things to make it so. That is, to be proactive to make ourselves a happier year. Yes, of course!
Imagine what your life would be like with a few small changes, with a few small improvements.
If you find it difficult to propose and plan new goals, or don't know what to do, here are some ideas. And, if everything goes well, you can end next year happier by saying to yourself with pride "I have improved at this", "I have achieved that".
But if you are a woman with a constant attitude of improving and proposing new projects and challenges, surely you have already been thinking about what to do or achieve in the New Year. However, some of these ideas may inspire you to propose something you have not considered.
Think that a new woman can emerge from one or more goals you set for yourself and that you can meet next year!
20 goals for the New Year 2023
New Year's resolutions are those small or large personal goals that we set ourselves to achieve during the year that is about to begin.
Whether achievable or not, goals provide extra motivation to start the New Year. Even if we finally don't meet them. The important thing first is to have some purposes. Whoever has them shows signs of being a woman with an initiative to improve or change something.
And whoever manages to fulfill them will have one more reason to celebrate at the end of next year with the satisfaction and happiness of the "mission accomplished!".
Here are our 20 goal ideas for the New Year:
Change your job. One better paid or one where you are more comfortable.
Study something new. Take a course, a career, or a master's degree.
Make your dream trip, or start saving for it.
Learn another language. It could be the one from that country you dream of visiting.
Organize a wedding. Your own wedding! Or that of a loved one or a close friend.
Start doing workouts. Or do more if you already do it. And walk more!.
Learn and practice a new sport.
Eat healthier.
Drink less alcohol.
Quit smoking. Or, at least, smoke less (this is already a good first step to quit).
Spend more time with your family and friends. Play and enjoy more.
Talk more with your children, get to know them better, and teach them values.
Make a change in attitude or mentality about something you don't like about yourself or bothers others.
Be more patient and tolerant with yourself and with others. Complain less. Appreciate more what you have.
Smile more, and be more optimistic.
Practice relaxation or meditation.
Talk and spend more time with loved ones and friends. Use your mobile less.
Participate in a foundation that fights against climate change or forest deforestation.
Be disciplined and persevering to fulfill your purposes!
Use your first shapewear to renew your figure.
From these ideas can emerge other ones that can occur to you. But, the question is…
How to fulfill what I propose?
That is the question! (Hamlet). Choosing purposes is relatively easy. The tricky thing is to fulfill them. And much more than meets the eye.
They are simple statements, but each one requires decision and planning. And, above all, perseverance!
And this is where daily concerns, the wear and tear of "what is urgent", the weight of routine, and perhaps a little laziness or fear, make us leave for tomorrow "what is important", what is new, different or challenging. And so the 365 days of the year 2023 could pass.
First. Don't propose many things. If it's a big challenge, just one will be enough. Or more than one if they are small goals or changes.
Second. Choose practical purposes and achievable according to your reality. If not, they will already have a "death certificate" at birth. Simply because you can't reach them or you're unwilling to make the effort they entail. Spend your time and energy on things you can achieve!
Third. Write down your purposes and the steps to achieve them or partial goals. Writing helps to reflect better, have more clarity, and fix ideas. And more involved will be your brain and mind in the process. Then, reading periodically what you have written will help you remember and engage more. "It's what I set out to do. I can't fail myself!".
Fourth. It is the penultimate purpose stated above: to be disciplined and persevering. How difficult is it, right? But without these qualities you will never achieve them. Unless they are very simple purposes. But the simpler they are, the less impact they will have on your life.
Fifth. Create a mindset and environment that supports your convictions and progress toward your goals. You would make yourself your priority.
And in the above list, there are some purposes that support other purposes. For example, practicing meditation, being more optimistic, and eating healthier, help you create a suitable climate to achieve your goals.
And wearing your first shapewear (or renewing the ones you already have) could help you to create that feeling.
Yes, of course! Because a compression garment will also give you more confidence in yourself, which will help you face your projects and challenges for the year with a new attitude. Feeling good about yourself and the way you look is important to what you face.
Cheer up your first shapewear or renew the ones you have!
Yes! We are talking about the famous "fajas colombianas", the reducing and molding girdles.
Wear your first Curveez shapewear! It is a big step. Why?
A slimming undergarment supplies compression for giving your body a shaped and toned figure.
But, Curveez's shapewear not only enhances one's figure. Also can correct one's posture. And helps to improve your wellness.
Curveez creates solution-based shapewear that promotes unique benefits such as abdominal support, better posture, post-surgery healing, and more.
It is not only an esthetic matter but also a physical and mental one. It does a lot more than make your outfits fit better. It also helps you wear your clothes with peace of mind and extra confidence.
Curveez shapewear can help you to create a positive attitude and feeling… from inside to outside!
Take a step forward! Curveez helps you this year’s end
Feel and show up great at a lower price!
Shop at Curveez and take advantage of this fantastic End of Year sale!
You choose which products of this Curveez New Year sale you want to take.
Get the ideal shapewear set for you and start the New Year with a new push to your goals!
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Every Curveez shapewear and activewear is made with the most advanced and innovative technology in today's market.